Our Lady of Good Counsel School, LLC
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Our Lady of Good Counsel School Policies

Our Lady of Good Counsel School, LLC is an association of families, which provides support for families, which choose to educate their children at home. In addition, Our Lady of Good Counsel School, LLC is a Church School in conformance with Alabama Law and is directed toward the fulfillment of the educational mission of Catholic families. Our Lady of Good Counsel, LLC seeks to fulfill these goals in complete conformance with the teaching of the Roman Pontiff as put forth in such official documents as Familiaris Consortio.
  • Grading System:
    Parents may give whatever form of grades they choose, i.e. A - B - C - D - F, 0 - 100, Pass/Fail, etc. Our Lady of Good Counsel School, LLC will maintain a transcript for each child using the parents' choice of grading. Grading methods need not be the same for all children of a member family, nor for each course for a given child. It is strongly recommended that an A - B - C - D - F or 0 - 100 grading system be uniformly used for all high school courses to facilitate college applications.
    It is required that at the end of each quarter a progress report for each student be completed by the parent/guardian and be filed with the School Administration. A final grade report at the end of the academic year is also required.

  • Standardized Testing:
    All students in grades 4 - 12 will take standardized tests annually. This testing is a tool used only to aid the parents to monitor academic progress. Testing should be done in the manner least burdensome to the family and the student. Caustion should be taken not to consider the result of a single test as the measure of a child's education or abilities.

  • Required Faculty Meetings:
    Families must attend a minimum of four faculty meetings per year, approximately one per quarter. Further participation in activities is strongly recommended.

  • Conduct:
    Parents, or a guardian appointed by them, bear responsibility for the behavior of their children at all meetings, functions and activities. Children may not attend Our Lady of Good Counsel School, LLC activities unless accompanied by an adult who is to be responsible for them at all times.

  • Family Membership and Termination of Membership:
    Membership in Our Lady of Good Counsel School, LLC begins with the approval of a family's application by the School Administration, and continues until terminated by one or more of the following consditions. A family may not maintain full membership in another school. Student enrollment is automatically terminated if the family membership is discontinued. Termination of membership by Our Lady of Good Counsel School, LLC is considered on an individual basis, with every reasonable effort made to retain membership.
    1. Written request of termination of membership by the member family.
    2. Failure to provide documentation of education (required forms).
    3. Faiure to comply with Our Lady of Good Counsel School, LLC requirements (approved exceptions withstanding).
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Our Lady Of Good Counsel School, LLC, 6533 Bear Creek Road, Sterrett, AL 35147, (205) 516-2829
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