Recommended Home Schooling Guidelines
It is of the utmost importance to use Catholic textbooks. Catholic textbooks are available for Religion, Reading and History. The quality is excellent, and there are ample Catholic resources for these subjects. There are also Catholic Texts available for Phonics, Spelling, Vocabulary and many other subjects.
For Math, we recommend Saxon, especially starting in the 4th grade. For Math grades K through 3, Abeka is also recommended. Although Abeka is a Christian publishing company, and Christian publishing companies of home school textbooks tend to have anti-Catholic references in them, there is nothing offensive in the Math books or their Science books which we also recommend for all grade levels. Under NO circumstances should Abeka ever be used for Religion, Reading or History.
However, Abeka is what we recommend for grammar textbooks. You will not get a better preparation for studying English grammer. However, there is a drawback in using these texts. In grades 7 and 8, OLGCS's Administrator found 2 or 3 practice sentences that contained anti-Catholic rhetoric. They are easily recognizable, and can be managed with a correct explanation; however, you must make the final decision in this matter.
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