Our Lady Of Good Counsel School Emblem
For an explanation of what each of these symbols in our emblem stand for, please scroll to the lower section of the page.
Explanation of Emblem Symbols
- ROSARY - The Rosary is in the form of a shield because dedication to the recitation of the Rosary is both protection from evil and a weapon against forces of evil in this world.
- CRUCIFIX - The crucifix in the center reminds us of the sufferings Christ endured for us and encourages us to endure all suffering with patience and resignation to the will of God.
- BLESSED SACRAMENT - The Host represents the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, which is the source of strength and perseverance in our lives.
- IHS - In Greek, these are the first three letters of the name of Jesus - Iota, Eta, Sigma.
- JMJ - These letters stand for Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The families of Our Lady of Good Counsel School, LLC strive to imitate the Holy Family and make their homes "schools of holiness" for children and parents.
- SACRED HEART OF JESUS - The Sacred Heart represents devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as given by Our Lord to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, especially receiving Communion on nine consecutive first Fridays.
- IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY - The Immaculate Heart represents devotion to Our Lady of Fatima, especially observance of the First Saturday as consolation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
- ALPHA AND OMEGA - These are the first and last letters of the Greek Alphabet, used to symbolize the eternity of God and the divinity and eternity of Christ.
- DOVE - The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit, on whose gifts we rely to teach our children.
- KEYS - The keys represent our obedience and loyalty to the Holy Father.
- VERITAS - Veritas is the Latin word for truth.
A special thanks to Susan Oswald for redesigning and adding color to our school emblem.